BREAKING NEWS: Newsbreaker breaks new beaker.

Home Sweet Homepage

Hello! This here is the Billison Aboutpost, which as the name implies will be an outpost of sorts, apparently named after some "Billison," where I (who is not Billison) will post things. The most notable of these things I will post happen to be bloggage, a curated list of interesting links and such, and so on.

Regarding what I actually do, I mainly make music under the moniker "Fourteen Cats Named Billison," have made some pretty zany student films, every now and then work on a game project, et cetera. I don't feel like linking these things right here, right now, so if you're really so curious, you can go look for them 'round the site yourself!

Regardless, please enjoy your time on this domain, as well as the rest of your day/morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night/condemnation to timeless limbo.

Quink Licks

Here are this site's main attractions, if you could call them that.

  • Bloggison
  • Links
  • That's all; there really ain't much anyway. But if you want to see the rest, look to your right! No, doofus, your other right!

The Websitement is Killing Me (Hopefully Figuratively)

I'll put some more stuff 'round here eventually, mark my words. Actually, maybe don't mark my words, just in case. Plus, I think I already have all the English course credit I need in my lifetime, so it'd be redundant anyhow.