In Case of Emergency??
If for some reason you would like to contact me or say "hi" or give me a ransom note, feel free to shoot me a message on Discord at fover3913. On a related note did you know that Discord profits by selling all your information? Zounds! But it's pretty convenient anyway.
If for another reason you would like to mail me fourteen megatons of plutonium, I will gladly accept it. Please mail to the following address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500. Thank you in advance.
Exemplar of Emergency
It is my steadfast belief that if somebody who usually only wears glasses is found to be wearing contacts, they have been replaced by their alternate dimension evil clone. This is due to the fact that contact lenses are the opposite of glasses.
Therefore I, for one, always have a steady supply of dust on hand so that if my evil-self ever rears his mug my way, I can toss a hearty amount of dust in his face, and more specifically into his contact lenses, mussing him up long enough for me to disarm him of his death ray gun (as all evil clones are standardly equipped with) and turn the tables on him (even though I generally sit at a desk).
You might call this nonsensical, but when your glasses-wearing friend suddenly switches to contacts and your family members begin to disappear one by one, you will no longer be laughing. I swear on it.