Billison Origins
Sunday March 12, 2023
Who are the Fourteen Cats Named Billison?
Such a title for a music project would lend itself heavily to the generation of fourteen OCs (Original Cats), however such a matter, I think, is usually best done by those proficient in the visual arts, and/or those who won't overthink a limited roster.
In any case, provided you are following the script which you were provided, you will now be wondering: "How did you come up with such a really cool name?"
The answer is rather simple. I was once using the program "Audacity" to record something or the other, and when saving the file I was prompted to enter myriad* track information. Of these was, of course, the artist name. Having the standard digital habit of using anything but my real name, I decided to think something up.
My thought process, I think, went number, noun, adjective. Fourteen was selected as I may have been fourteen at the time, Cats was selected as I am rather fond of cats, and "Named Billison" was whispered into my ear by a shadowy figure whose dubious presence I still feel to this day.
This process was likely influenced by the fifth line of the song "Your Evil Shadow Has a Cup of Tea" by Lemon Demon. (This indie musician has listened to Lemon Demon. Shocker.) That is:
"Seventeen skulls in a hole in the woods."
What an enigmatic line. I cry myself to sleep every other night over having not written it. At the very least I have Fourteen Cats Named Billison to console me.
*I only recently learned that myriad is an adjective, not a noun. Thank goodness I came to that revelation (read: internet search), lest I make a myriad of people think I am foolish.
Addendum: I more recently learned that myriad can be both an adjective and a noun. Thank goodness I came to that revelation (read: saw it in a book, then took a longer glance at my aforementioned internet search), lest I make a whole buncha people think I am foolish.